Java Chronicles: My Quirky Hand Strain Saga!

strange coffee reactions

Ever experienced the ‘Barista’s Bane’? My coffee escapades come with a side of muscle mischief! πŸ˜…

Hey coffee aficionados, ever felt like your hand is doing the twist after sipping that delightful morning brew? Well, join the club, because I’ve got a case of the caffein-induced hand shenanigans too! πŸŒ€

Picture this: one fine day, sipping my favorite brew, and suddenly, the brachioradialis muscle goes into overdrive, like a caffeinated acrobat!

But wait, it doesn’t stop there! The trapezius muscles want in on the action too! The ‘java jitters’ spread like wildfire! Now, I can’t help but wonder: could it be an outrageous coffee allergy? β˜•

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no doctor, but could it be an allergy to my favorite mojo? Like, am I allergic to caffeination? Is that even a thing? Madness! Someone please invent a “Caffeine Clarifier.”

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a flavor voyager a.k.a a foodie. Yes, it is no secret that me and food are in a love marriage. My love for food is unexplainable. This relationship is further strengthen by my high tolerance for any kind of food. I mean, ANY kind of food.

So, imagine the shock I felt the first time I experienced the discomfort. My Hand’s Got Beef with My Brachioradialis and Trapezius! 😱

It turns out coffee’s been playing undercover games with my trapezius muscles lately! Every time I sip that caffeinated elixir, my trapezius goes into a jitterbug dance, the slow kind, and it’s not cute. I mean, I love coffee, but why is it messing with my traps?! I will try to explain the possible origin of this drama.

Let’s time-travel to the year 2018, the year I started observing this discomfort. I was seeing a physiotherapist for pain around my elbow area which, the physio diagnosed as onset tennis elbow. The cause, I believe, was a lot of clean and press #fitfam. Maybe my muscles wasn’t strong enough to withstand such pressure or maybe my form wasn’t right or was I overworking it? Whatever the reason, my elbow muscles were strained and the discomfort wasn’t going away. So, on one of dem visits, the physio did the needle thing (acupuncture) and it seemed to work.

But since then, whenever I sip that liquid motivation, I get a feeling of strain in my elbow muscles. The strain begins at the trapezius muscles then extends to the brachioradialis muscle before moving mildly across the flexor (not sure if it’s the carpi radialis or policis longus but most likely along the long part of the flexor), and finally to my abductors (at this point the strain is less, very less). The intensity is highest at the brachioradialis muscle.

It really be your own body! Whether it’s sippin’ or savorin’, this java jolt puts the ‘strain’ in ‘caffeine’! So, off I went AGAIN to see the physiotherapist, hopeful for a cure. But alas, he looked puzzled as if I was concocting a caffeine-fueled tall tale! πŸ€” Nevertheless, the struggle was real, folks! No web search or anatomy book could explain this quirky phenomenon.

But hey, we’re warriors, and warriors unite! πŸ›‘οΈ So, I’m asking my fellow coffee enthusiasts: have you encountered this perplexing hand strain post-coffee consumption? Anyone else caught in this caffein snare? Share your ‘perks’ and quirks! Let’s commiserate over cappuccinos! β˜•πŸ˜© Let’s create a clubβ€”The Caffeine-Hand Jiggle Crew! πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ

While we wait for the medical world to catch up, let’s find humor in our peculiar predicament. Maybe our brachioradialis muscle just loves coffee too much? Or perhaps our trapezius muscles are just show-offs, trying to steal the limelight from our coffee-loving hands! πŸ˜‚

Yes, here I am, fearless and determined to keep sipping that liquid motivation! Whether it’s my brachioradialis in caffeine cahoots or not, this coffee-loving foodie isn’t backing down! I shall keep pondering this peculiar quandary while I nurse my strained hand with a touch of sarcasm.

Until science catches up, let’s keep experimenting with hand stretches, funny faces, and quirky dance moves to tame our coffee-induced hand jives. Who needs a cure when you’ve got coffee and humor on your side? Let’s raise our mugs and embrace our quirky coffee kinship! β˜•οΈπŸ€ͺ #CoffeeHandJive #CaffeineCrew

On a serious note, to relief the strain, I massage the trapezius muscles, flex the elbow muscles by twisting arms around the elbow in a left right movement. then squeeze arms and twist it back and forth periodically till the caffein effect wears off. Or till I’m too busy to take notice of it.
#CoffeeCrisis #MuscleMayhem ##CaffeineConundrum #TrapeziusTales