Woo-zah!!! You’ve finally decided you want to experience another country’s education system. Heck! It may be your first experience with tertiary education or your first experience outside your country. And you have chosen New Zealand as the country to do this study abroad life. Bravo!! This blog post series is for you. You will find out steps to take to make your dream to study in New Zealand a reality.
The first thing anyone looking to study abroad should do is to learn a bit about the country. I know you may be desperate to leave, but just a little info will go a long way. You do not want to waste your energy researching the school only to find out that you would not survive in that country!!🤦🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️
So….Here’s a likkle sum’ing about New Zealand.
About New Zealand
New Zealand or Aotearoa (its Maori name) is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean ✔ 💯. According to Global Peace Index 2023, New Zealand is the fourth most peaceful country in the world1. Absolutely, without a doubt, it is one of the safest countries to study.
Geography: NZ consist of two main islands – North Island and South Island – then many smaller islands (700 according to Wikipedia). The capital is Wellington, but you’ll find that Auckland is more popular. Same thing as what we have in Nigeria, where Abuja is the capital, but everyone wants to go to Lagos (money no dey Lagos o, cues Zlatan “Money no dey Lagos” song…Jokes!!!).
Fun fact, Wellington is the southernmost capital in the world.
NZ is far from every other country in the world. I would know because I spent 33+ hours to get here. The nearest countries are Australia (Aussie) and the Pacific Islands.

NZ is beautiful!!! Why? It is an almost evergreen, lush rainforest (yes-even in a hot, dry summer). Lots of bubbling volcanoes as well as erupted ones (I love!!). Snow-capped mountains; golden and black sand beaches!! It has different spots and opportunities for adventure. Famous for the Lord of the Rings film series. I read the latest Disney Mulan movie had some clips shot here (The Ahuriri Valley as one location). So, if you’re seeking some thrills on the side, NZ is for you.

Weather: Since the country is in the southern hemisphere, its seasons are directly opposite to what you’ll find in the Northern hemisphere. For instance, winter is in June here, and summertime begins in December. Note: it snows in the South Island but doesn’t snow in the North Island (well, unless you count the mountains and surrounding desert roads, then yes, ‘cos it snows on the mountains🤷🏽♀️). Nonetheless, NZ weather is still bipolar as bipolar can be!!! Similar to UK’s weather. Expect four seasons in one day.

Diversity and Language: NZ is a diverse country made up mainly of Maoris, Pakeha (European descent), Pacific Islanders (or Islanders as they are fondly called) and Asians, then the rest of us (cheese!!!😁). More facts here. It is a safe and welcoming community, so chill. New Zealanders are also fondly called the kiwis. Maori culture plays a vital role in everyday life. That’s why even the national anthem has the English and Maori version and must be sung together anytime the national anthem is sung. Me aroha noa!!
The official language is English, Maori and NZ sign language.
Currency: New Zealand uses the New Zealand Dollar ($NZD) as their currency.

Alrighty, it’s settled. NZ is for you!!! Your spirit is there. You just need to somehow take your body over. Exciting, right?! Yup, I agree. However, all good things don’t come that easily. You have to complete some tasks concurrently or one after the other to achieve that dream to study abroad.
There may be key questions you seek to answer during your planning stage. Since I have been there, done that, got the t-shirt, I have summarized each important activity into blog posts as part of the study in New Zealand blog series. The goal is to answer common questions around studying abroad as an international student. Here are five important questions to get you started.
1. What programme of study and where will I study?
Learn about the various programmes available for study in New Zealand and how to select the right tertiary institution for you.
2. What’s the cost of studying?
Cost of studying New Zealand is not limited to tuition fees only. The financial planning post will guide you on the monetary implications of studying in New Zealand and how to access scholarship and funding.
3. How do I apply for admission?
This may seem easy but can be quite confusing especially for an unfamiliar education system. I have broken these down in the apply for admission blog post.
4. How to apply for visa?
You may require a visa to enter and study as an international student in New Zealand. You also want to find that out early enough so to make preparations. Learn more about how to apply for student visa here.
5. What’s the cost of living?
The last but crucial question that can make or break your study abroad experience. Cost of living is how much you will spend on a range of everyday items. It is made up of your essential needs and the extras to maintain a standard of living of your choosing. Learn more.
Take the first step: Choose what to study
- In 2020, New Zealand was the second most peaceful country in the world.
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