The tinder swindler: My thoughts

the tinder swindler

Netflix just released a documentary on the Tinder swindler and these are my thoughts.

I’ll start by saying those women are victims and nothing more. Some people have mastered the art of mind games and manipulating people who desperately want to be loved and booed up.

Were there red flags? Absolutely! Red flags were flying left right and centre. But these women were blinded by two things: the need to love and money which was of course, not real.

Now don’t be too quick to justify yourself. There are some of us who even with this out in the open, will still fall into the same situation. You, yes you, are probably doing it right now.

It was a loan and an outrageous amount of monies for these women. In your case, it could be your school fees, your services, your time, your health. Might I even say your chances of getting pregnant in the future?

Simply asking questions and doing their research would have fixed this. This is why it is good to talk to someone about it. Someone outside will not be emotionally involved and so can see some of the red flags.

The “father” is a multimillionaire so chances are his whole family tree will be online. Search!

He posed as a multimillionaire yet was asking money from the girls when he was in the alleged distress. His girlfriends with net worth not up to a quarter of his supposed multimillions. Shouldn’t the first place be his friends and family?

He could have easily asked his bank to discreetly transfer money to another country. He could ask his friends, heck his father. But you see, he played it such that they were blinded so they didn’t reason clearly. Incited fear in them by the photo and bam, the chain reaction.

Also, after the first transaction, the next thing to do is wait for the refund before getting the next.

He remembered to give her a job but couldn’t make those same calls to get money for himself.

So many red flags people. But in all, the women were in love with a man who posed as a prince, their night in shining armour. They were conned.

The next question is why is he walking free?
It goes to show the limitations of the law because if this was the government, he’d be thrown away for good.

Always talk to someone not emotionally involved about these things. It helps!


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