Waste Bin Collection Services in Palmerston North


Life lately got me searching for waste bin collection services in Palmerston North and comparing prices between companies to know who provides the cheapest waste collection service in the area.

Jump to the comparison table

Why so impatient though? You know you want to read the background

Low on energy and motivation to do anything, coupled with the wierd strain in my right elbow, I went on what was supposed to be a 30-min search for waste bin collection in Palmerston North. This search quickly turned into a 2-hour activity (panics in reduction in speed to do nearly everthing).

The strain is weird. I picked up on it last year but it became predominant this year (2024) after I moved into my house. Got pretty bad in Febraury likely due to lack of sleep or overuse of my right hand or onset of athritis, or a combination of either. I say athritis so easily but it is my earnest and deepest prayer not to get it. I dread it with my soul.

Anyway, to the crux of the matter, waste and recylce collection is a serious matter is New Zealand. In places like Auckland, at least places I lived in Auckland region, the council provided the wheelie bins for recycle and general waste and buckets for glass waste. In some areas, separate bins are also provided for biodegradable waste e.g. food waste. We didn’t have to pay for it nor buy it as you will see later on. I know because, while living on HaleSowen Avenue in Sandringham, our bin was stolen, so random!! The bin didn’t even have its cover. That’s to tell you how bizarre that was. We ordered another bin from council and it got delivered to us in 3-5 working days. For FREE!

But fastforward to moving to Palmerston North, council only provides recycle bins and glass buckets, while the responsibility of disposing your general waste lies with the house occupants. Not even the Landlord. The occupants

Palmerston North council provides bin bags popularly known as council bags or simply rubbish bags. These bags are sold as a set of 5 at major supermarkets and some department stores at $14.50 (current as of date of this post) for large size (60L). Three years ago it was ~$13 . Rubbish bags are available in two sizes, large (60L) and medium (40L); and the color will depend on location. Red for Palmerston North and Blue for neigbouring towns like Fielding, Ashhurst. The color for Palmerston North was green up till 2022 when they changed to red.

Palmerston North rubbish bags
Palmerston North Council Rubbish Bags
Manawatu district council rubbish bags
Other city in Manawatu rubbish bags

For a single pringle like me, one set of council bag could last me for two months, if I am not throwing party every other week. I was living with that for the last three years not until 1, the price increased and 2, I bought the idea of buying my own place which meant paying mortgage. Now since I am not yet world’s richest African, I had to get a flatmate to have someone to talk to other than the voices in my head and usually the rent helps with the bills.

Consequently, my waste generation will increase which means 5 x 60L council bags will no longer last me for two months therefore I had to look for cheaper options.

Queue non-council waste collection companies. This is the background to why I spent 2hours, now 4 hours if you add the time I’ve spent to type this up, on the internet searching for waste bin collection services in Palmerston North and their prices,

I searched for waste bin collection services in Palmerston North so that you don’t have to. Below are my findings summarised into a nice little table. You’re welcome

What should you put in your black top general waste bin? That’s a discussion for another day, I barely survived getting this info together. Please ask google if you cannot wait for whenever I muster enough energy to push through the little voice in my head and search for the answer. Don’t stress me mbok! T for Tenks!