My 6 weird body responses to workouts

My 6 weird body responses to workouts

When I started yawning during my PT session, the trainer thought I was bored. He gave me a condition that if I yawned again, I’d have to do 10 push-ups. Guess what happened next?

During a workout, all you expect is sweat and a good dose of soreness. However, because your body is moving in different poses and forms, weird things can happen mid-workout. These side effects can be strange and downright embarrassing but, in most cases, not dangerous.

From the most common to the rarest, these are the top six weirdest things that exercise makes my body do. Keep reading to find out if your most bizarre workout reaction has made the list.

1. Lips curls and snarls

For me, it happens during lateral raise, shoulder press, basically any exercise that requires lifting and working the shoulder. In split seconds, my left cheek and nose lift then, my left nostril expands, and finally, the left side of my lips lift. I guess this is where the term beast mode emanated. Luckily, lip curls and snarls are very usual and involuntarily actions.

Embrace your snarls.

Snarl lil pug

2. The runs and gas


During exercise, especially abs work, we tighten our core which squeezes our gastrointestinal organs. We also thrust our digestive system while running. These actions cause the need to hit the bathroom. If you’re in some kind of competition, it’d be best to do a short warmup to get your gut moving so you can go before the event starts.

I see this as a benefit, mainly because I suffer from occasional difficulty in bowel movement. So, exercise enables me to go.

The continuous bending and twisting can also cause flatulence. Remember, you’re also breathing heavily and most likely not exhaling correctly during exercise. That excess air needs to go somewhere, right? The only way out is down. So, your body will release the air together with whatever built-up gas is in your system by farting.

I enjoy farting during exercise, LOL, particularly during yoga. ROTFL, too much info. Breathe in and breathe out through all the holes, hahaha. In rare cases, I burp for the same reason above.

The next time you feel like pooping or feel the flatulence coming, this may be the cause. When nature calls, you must answer. Not around me though *lips snarl*.

3. Vertigo

You don’t want this happening when you are in the process of hoisting a 20-kg barbell for clean and press. I still don’t know why this happened.

Maybe I wasn’t breathing enough during the exercise, so my brain was starved for oxygen leading to dizziness. Remember to breathe, people! Find a breathing regime that works for you and BREATHE!!!

It could also be that I was overexerting myself so much that I became dehydrated, or my blood pressure dropped, leaving me lightheaded. Take it easy! Na fat you fat, you no kee person.

Reasons boku sha. I found relief when I took a seat and just breathed then drank water. Some recommend drinking electrolytes.

4. Nausea

This effect is not normal. It happened because I pushed myself too hard thus, resulting in queasiness. Not a great feeling, to be honest. I had to back off and take it easy by growing the intensity gradually.

On another occasion, I ate the wrong food at the wrong time, then went to the gym and tossed my stomach content around by my workout. For this cause, I’d say avoid eating solid food at least one hour before your workout.

If you must eat, try something that will digest quickly or liquid food.

5. Yawning in the middle of a workout

Back to my story, if you guessed that I yawned, you guessed right!

The yawns kept coming, and for every yawn, I had to do 10 push-ups. I love hardcore exercises so, I didn’t complain. The PT, on the other hand, realized soon enough that the yawns were not going to go away so, he just ignored it, I guess. Though he asked why I kept yawning in the middle of a workout. My response was that I don’t know but, it happens when I am doing hardcore exercises like aerobics, HIIT, or CrossFit.

Yawning is often associated with boredom or sleepiness, so I don’t blame the PT for thinking I was bored. I knew I wasn’t alone when it comes to yawning during a workout so, I did some digging for the why. First of all, yawning is a somewhat involuntary action; it is a reflex action. Everybody yawns. So, you can cover your mouth or try to hold it in; it’ll still happen.

Stress and anxiety can be two reasons. However, in my case, I am fully rested and stretched most times before exercise. So, what be thou the reason? Why do I yawn when I exercise? What makes us yawn when we are actively exercising? Since I don’t have those experts as friends, I turned to Dr Google for answers and ta-da!!! It wasn’t a symptom of some deadly disease/infection/sickness, as usual.

See some reasons for the yawning-exercise connection below.

  1. To increase oxygen to the bodies (although not sure how this works). May be by increasing blood flow? Blood flow in the brain can help you stay alert.
  2. To relieve pressure in our skulls. Who knew? This school of thought associates it with trying to pop your ears on an airplane1. You know when your ears get blocked due to pressure changes? Yup! that one.
  3. It could also mean that you are drowsy. So tired but, still have to squeeze in that exercise cos #fitnessgoal.
  4. You’re just not interested. Goes back to my experience. Yup, boredom can cause yawning, so spice it up a little. Or, simply go home, become a couch potato, and watch movies or movie trailers or funny babies’ videos online.
  5. Yawning cools the brain thus, keeps it at the right temperature for optimal functioning.1,2 This is thermoregulating, especially during high-intensity workouts like HIIT cardio or CrossFit. As a result of the spike in the body’s core temperature, we may yawn at the slightest sign of resting. Inhaling a large amount of cool air was one solution that was given for lowering core and brain temperature.

Number 5 was the most common reason from my search result.

Overall, there is no reason to worry about yawning during your workout session. It’s a reflex action and your body probably really needs it at that time. Rest, breathe and continue your workout. You’re doing great. #fitgang #fitnessgoal.

All being said, if you’re yawning excessively and have ruled out the obvious (sleep deprivation, fatigue, or medication), it’ll be best to set up an appointment with your doctor.

6. Coregasm

I saved the best for the last. Yup, you read right!! I call it “Core-cum”. As the name implies, it happens when the muscles are engaged to stabilize the core, and you end up contracting the pelvic floor muscles.

A coregasm is an orgasm that happens while you’re doing a core exercise or workout.

Emily Cronkleton for Healthline

My first experience was when I finally convinced myself that I can actually get fit and lose weight through exercise. As well as let go of the analogy between running and the verse “The wicked flee when no one pursues“, but I digress.

I was doing the roman chair leg raises 1, 2, 3, 4,….10, 11…. then I felt it. ‘Huh! It can’t be!!! What is this feeling that I am feeling?’ It wasn’t tingly, but I felt it deep inside. Oh no!! I’m sinning, I thought because #heavenbound so, I stopped.

I tried again…same. So, there and then, I decided “Roman chair leg raise is not for me“.

Fast forward to 2018, I’m back to the gym. After my first experience, I’ve been in and out of the gym, on and off the fitness journey. So, I’d built some strength in my core but not enough. I know I need to work on my consistency. DON’T JUDGE!

Anyway, 2018…back in the gym, roman chair. Uuh-wee, I know that machine. Hopped on it, what did I feel? Yup, COREGASM!!! It was then I resigned to my faint. Coregasm is here to stay. Only this time, I can go up to 40 or more counts before the mmhm-uh-ah.

What I’m saying, in summary, is that coregasm is not a bad body response. It is not as common, may feel weird, but definitely not bad, and you’re not sinning. Just don’t indulge. 

A few exercises that could cause orgasm can be seen here. For me, leg raises and more leg raises. Roman chair leg raises just gives the effect faster, from my experience.

So there you have it. There may be many more, but these six stands out for me. Got any experience of your own, comment below.

Other bizzare effects:

  • Side stitch
  • Itchy skin


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